Don't wordle
What is Don't Wordle?
Do you want a more difficult Wordle clone? Try Don't Wordle, a Wordle clone that will make your head spin. Don't Wordle, as the name implies, makes you not guess words, but the rules remain the same. Don't Wordle is similar to Anti Wordle, except for some reason, it is considerably more difficult.
You would think this Don't Wordle game is simple, but according to the creators, "the catch is that your word guesses must be based on what you've learned from your previous guesses."
Game Rules
The purpose of Wordle is to guess a certain five-letter word in six or fewer attempts. The goal of Don't Wordle is to NOT guess the word.
The problem is that your word tries must take into account what you've learned from prior guesses.
- Green letter: If you place a green letter correctly, all subsequent guesses must contain the same letter in the same position.
- Yellow letter: If you place a correct letter in an improper location, all subsequent guesses must have that letter in a different spot.
- White letter: You can no longer use letters that have been guessed and eliminated.
The amount of valid words remaining is displayed at the top, and it decreases with each guess. If the number falls too low, you can spend one of your "UNDOS" to go back in time.
Take care! If you enter the Wordle word by accident, the game is over, even if you still have some UNDOs.
How to play Don't wordle
Using mouse