About Hex codes
Hex codes are base 16 numbers that are used to represent colors on the web (and in many other places)!
A single 6-digit hex code can represent up to 16,777,216 different colors!
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) values are used to represent colors. There are three pairs of digits in a hex code. Each pair indicates a specific amount of red, green, or blue (only in that sequence!)
What is Hexle?
Hexle is a unique and captivating game that celebrates the language of colors through hexadecimal codes. Developed by a team of color enthusiasts and puzzle aficionados, Hexle offers a thrilling challenge that engages both your artistic sensibilities and logical thinking.
Game Rules
In six tries, determine the proper hexadecimal code for a given color.
Each guess should be a valid hexadecimal code with six characters that include digits (0-9) and letters (A-F).
The color tiles will provide feedback after each guess to determine how close your guess is to the correct code. Here's what the various colors mean:
- The greencharacter is correct and in the proper location.
- The yellowcharacter is right, but he or she is in the wrong position.
How to play Hexle
Using mouse