What is Warmle?
Warmle is similar to Wordle. You can tell if you are within three letters of the correct letter at a given location by looking at the yellow hints.
If you enjoy word-guessing games, you'll enjoy Warmle, a free online game that anyone can play. This game was inspired by the popular word guessing game Wordle. Warmle is a word-guessing game in which players, like in Wordle, have five chances to correctly identify a hidden word. It all starts with a seemingly unrelated hint. Everyone is affected; no one is exempt. So, what's the hold-up? Warmle is now available!
This is a daily game that can only be played once per day; we tried it and are already looking forward to playing it again tomorrow to share our results with our friends.
Warmle allows you to guess the word five times. Everyone begins with the same randomly selected clue.
Game Rules
Your guess contains the following letters:
- Green indicates that the letter is correct. If you hit (green), you keep the letter. There's no need to make another guess.
- Yellow if the letter isn't quite right, but it's close! (Within three letters of the alphabet).
- Grey if it is more than three letters away from the correct letter.
The thermometer at the bottom functions as a progress indicator. It displays how many words in the dictionary you've ruled out so far based on the clues.
How to play Warmle
Using mouse