What is 6times5?
6times5 is a word game similar to the popular Scrabble, but it has been modified so that players can predict the daily word challenge. In this online game, you must unravel a mystery. Although it is not as popular as Wordle, we believe you will appreciate this one if you enjoy puzzles or puzzle games.
Game Rules
In the first line, type any English 5-letter word. The goal is to locate today's word of the day in as few as six attempts. Every day, there is only one word, and every player is seeking it.
If a letter in your starting word is marked yellow, it will occur in the solution word as well - but in a different location. If a letter in your starting word is green, it will occur in the same position in the solution word! If none of the letters are colored, you can be certain that they do not appear in the answer word. If that's the case, try a word with as many new letters as feasible.
How to play 6times5
Using mouse