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Cookie Hangman

What is Cookie Hangman?

Cookie Hangman reinvents the conventional Hangman game by infusing it with the delicious charm of a cookie-themed storyline. As you embark on this journey, your primary objective is to rescue the Cookie Man from perilous situations by correctly solving word puzzles. The game's appeal lies in its ability to combine the thrill of traditional word games with the allure of a captivating character-driven narrative.


  • Meet the Cookie Man: Your endearing protagonist, the Cookie Man, is faced with the threat of an executioner. Your mission is to save him by guessing the hidden word.
  • Word Puzzle Field: On the right side of the screen, a field of cubes represents the letters of the word. Your task is to uncover the mystery word by selecting the correct letters.
  • Alphabet Bank: A display of the alphabet is provided below the field. Utilize these letters to form the correct answer and save the Cookie Man from his fate.
  • Answering the Question: Each puzzle is associated with a question. Read it carefully and select the appropriate letters to construct the correct response.
  • Consequences of Mistakes: Beware of mistakes! Every incorrect guess will cost the Cookie Man a body part. The challenge is to solve the puzzle without depleting all his body parts.
  • Saving the Cookie Man: Successfully answering the question will save the Cookie Man, earning you valuable points in the game.

Features of Cookie Hangman

  • Immersive Storyline: Cookie Hangman offers players a unique and immersive experience with its narrative-driven gameplay. The engaging story adds an extra layer of excitement to the word-guessing adventure.
  • Diverse Puzzles: Enjoy a wide variety of puzzles that cater to different interests and knowledge levels. From general trivia to themed challenges, Cookie Hangman keeps players on their toes.
  • Interactive Visuals: The game's interactive visuals provide a dynamic and engaging experience. Witness the impact of your choices on the fate of the Cookie Man in real-time.
  • Scoring Mechanism: Rack up points for each successful save, and strive to climb the ranks on the leaderboard. Compete against friends or global players for the coveted title of Cookie Hangman champion.
  • Accessible for All Ages: With its simple yet entertaining concept, Cookie Hangman is suitable for players of all ages. Whether playing solo or with friends and family, the game guarantees enjoyment for everyone.

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Word GamesPuzzle

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