hocus focus
Every day, a new riddle is posted. A cunning hint to locate something in a hidden image.
Swiping around the canvas adds large squares of color (whatever color is in the image right at your cursor). Overpaint an existing block with smaller blocks to reveal finer and finer details.
Once you've determined your objective, click it to stop the timer. However, don't make wild guesses. Every incorrect click costs you ten seconds.
You can earn up to five stars by completing the timed checkpoints. Some puzzles are difficult to solve. Don't worry... you're supposed to be perplexed. Everything will make sense after you win. You can share your score by pasting it into a message or on social media to compete with friends.
Should you spend time learning about the overall context of a photograph or concentrate on a specific area of interest? Which area is worth investigating? What exactly does that riddle mean? Are you brave enough to place a bet? I'm not sure. I'm just the game's creator.
How to play hocus focus
Using mouse