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Hurdle 2

What is Hurdle 2?

Hurdle 2 is an exciting guessing word game in which players are challenged to uncover a five-letter concealed word in a limited number of attempts. Hurdle 2 is a game in which players attempt to guess the five-letter secret word in eight attempts. Each effort must include a real five-letter sentence. Isn't it incredible? Hurdle 2, the game with so many advantages, is now available to you.

Game Rules

  • Guessing the Word: To begin, enter a five-letter guess. Your guess must contain only true letters totaling five major letters.
  • Clues: After each guess, the game provides tips to assist you judge the accuracy of your guesses. The number of correct characters and their locations are presented in colorful boxes that serve as pointers.
  • Green Box: The green box indicates the number of correct characters in the correct positions. This demonstrates that these characters are present in the appropriate places and are part of the secret word.
  • Yellow Box: The yellow box shows how many correct characters have been misplaced. These characters exist in the hidden word, but they are not where you would expect them to be.
  • It should be noted that the indications provided are unique to each letter and do not tell whether certain letters are correct or incorrect. They just give information on the overall number of correct characters and their positions.
  • Repeated Letters: The secret word may contain letters that are repeated. However, the hints do not explain whether individual characters are correct or repeated. The clues only show the total number of correct characters and their placements.
  • Limited tries: You have up to eight tries to properly identify the secret word. Due to this limitation, you must strategize and evaluate the hints in order to produce good predictions within the allowed limit.
  • Daily Puzzles: The Hurdle game challenges players with different difficulties every day. This capability ensures that you can regularly engage in wordplay and appreciate a variety of challenges throughout time.
  • Puzzle Sharing: When you finish a puzzle, you can share it on social media. You can then challenge others to solve the same problem as you to celebrate your success.

The difficulty of the Game: Hurdle is considered a more difficult variant of the Wordle game. The limited number of trials and the presence of tips regarding correct characters in erroneous locations make the game tougher. This necessitates rigorous deduction, logical reasoning, and the ability to assess and comprehend the clues provided.

How to play Hurdle 2

Using mouse

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Word Games

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