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This is a Higher or Lower Wordle game based on the popular word game wordle, but this time customized to guess a challenge in colors wordle mode. It is a clever game known as Numerle. We will explain what rangele is, how to download it, and why you should play Rangele Online. This game requires you to solve a mystery task; it is different from Wordle, but if you enjoy quizzes or puzzle games, we believe you will enjoy this online game!

Every day, you must solve a color sequence in the rangele game. The rules of this wordle-like color game are basic and straightforward. 

Guess the number in six attempts. The color of the tiles will change after each guess to illustrate how close your guess was to the number. It is advised to play on Hard Mode. The Hard Mode slider can be found by clicking the Settings gear icon.

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Word GamesPuzzlenumber

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